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Do You Leave A Space Between The Laminate Flooring And The Wall?

laminate flooring services provided by Decades Flooring

Imagine building a house without a foundation. The walls and roof may stand, but the whole structure is at risk of collapsing without that essential base. The same can be said for laminate flooring.

While it may seem like a simple task to lay down planks of wood or synthetic material, leaving out one crucial step could spell disaster in the future. One such step is leaving a gap between the laminate flooring and the wall.

It may not seem like much, but this small space plays an important role in ensuring the longevity and stability of your flooring. In this article, we will explore why leaving a gap is crucial, how to do it correctly, and how to finish off the gap for a seamless appearance.

By understanding these techniques, you can ensure that your laminate flooring will last for years to come.


The Importance of Leaving a Gap

Leaving a gap between laminate flooring and the wall is crucial as it allows room for expansion and contraction, preventing buckling or warping of the floorboards. This phenomenon is caused by fluctuations in temperature and humidity that cause the flooring to expand or contract. When there is no space left for this movement, the boards can push against one another, causing them to buckle or warp.

A gap of at least 1/4 inch should be left around the perimeter of the room where the laminate flooring meets the walls. This space can be covered by baseboards or quarter-round molding, which also serve as decorative elements.

It is important to note that leaving too little space between the floorboards and walls can lead to a buildup of pressure that can damage both the walls and floors over time. Therefore, taking adequate precautions during installation will ensure that your laminate flooring remains in good condition for years to come.


How to Leave the Proper Gap

To ensure proper installation of laminate flooring, it is important to create a small gap between the edges of the flooring and the adjacent walls using an appropriate spacer tool. This gap provides space for the flooring to expand and contract with changes in temperature and humidity without exerting pressure on the walls or causing buckling of the floorboards. It also allows for easy removal and replacement of damaged planks without having to remove entire sections of flooring.

To leave the proper gap, use spacers that are specifically designed for laminate flooring installation, which typically come in sizes ranging from 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch. The spacers should be placed at regular intervals along each wall, with a minimum distance of 12 inches apart.

Once all spacers are in place, install the first row of planks against them, ensuring they are firmly locked into place before continuing with subsequent rows. After installation is complete, remove spacers and cover gaps with baseboard or molding for a clean finish.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure a successful installation of your laminate flooring that will stand up well over time while protecting your walls from damage.


Finishing the Gap

The proper finishing of the gap in laminate flooring installation is a crucial step to ensure its longevity and prevent damage to adjacent walls.

After leaving the necessary expansion gap between the flooring and wall, it must be filled with an appropriate finishing material.

The most common materials used for this purpose are quarter-round or baseboard molding.

Quarter-round is a flexible trim that can bend to conform to uneven floors or walls.

It covers the gap along the perimeter of the floor and gives it a finished look.

Baseboard molding, on the other hand, is a thicker trim that covers not only the gap but also part of the wall surface.

It provides additional protection against moisture, dirt, and debris that may accumulate in gaps over time.

Both types of finishing materials come in different widths, colors, and styles to match any décor style.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for the laminate flooring to settle and fully expand after installation?

Laminate flooring typically takes 24-48 hours to fully expand and settle after installation. This process may be affected by factors such as temperature, humidity, and subfloor preparation. It is recommended to wait before placing heavy furniture or walking on the flooring to avoid any damage during this period.


Can the gap between the flooring and the wall be filled with any type of material?

The gap between laminate flooring and the wall can be filled with a variety of materials, such as silicone caulk or foam backer rod. These materials prevent debris from accumulating in the gap and provide a finished look to the flooring installation.


What are the consequences of not leaving a gap between the flooring and the wall?

Neglecting to leave a gap between laminate flooring and the wall can result in buckling, warping, and even mold growth. The space allows for the natural expansion and contraction of the flooring material. Thus, it is crucial to leave a gap during installation.


Is it necessary to leave a gap if the flooring is being installed in a small room?

It is necessary to leave a gap between the laminate flooring and the wall, regardless of the size of the room. Failure to do so may result in buckling or warping of the flooring due to expansion and contraction caused by temperature and humidity changes.


Can the gap between the flooring and wall be covered up with baseboards or quarter-round?

The gap between laminate flooring and a wall should be covered with baseboards or quarter-round. This not only provides an aesthetic finish but also allows for the expansion and contraction of the flooring due to temperature changes. It is important to leave a small gap during installation.



Leaving a gap between the laminate flooring and the wall is crucial in ensuring the longevity of your flooring. Without this gap, the expansion and contraction of the boards can cause buckling and warping, leading to costly repairs or replacements.

It may seem like a small detail, but it is an important one to remember. To leave the proper gap, use spacers during installation to create a consistent distance between the boards and walls. The size of the gap will depend on factors such as humidity levels and temperature changes in your area. It is recommended to leave at least ¼ inch gap for most installations.

Finishing the gap can be done by installing baseboards or quarter-round molding along with caulking or sealant to prevent moisture from seeping under the flooring. Making sure that there is enough space between your laminate flooring and walls, as well as properly finishing it off, will ensure its durability for years to come.

In conclusion, leaving a space between laminate flooring and walls is not just a minor detail but an essential aspect that should not be overlooked when installing laminate floors. Properly spacing these two parts will spare you from future headaches caused by faulty installations. Therefore, always take time to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when laying down your floorboards so that you may enjoy many years of trouble-free service from your newly installed floors without ever worrying about any issues arising due to lack of adequate spacing between them!


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