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How Should Laminate Flooring Be Installed To Make A Room Appear Larger?

laminate flooring services provided by Decades Flooring

Laminate flooring has become increasingly popular due to its affordability, durability, and ease of installation. It is a practical choice for homeowners who are renovating their homes or redecorating a room. Laminate flooring offers a vast array of colors and patterns that can mimic the look of hardwood, tile, or stone at a fraction of the cost.

Did you know that the direction in which laminate flooring is installed can significantly impact how spacious a room appears? Installing laminate flooring in the wrong direction can make a small room feel even smaller and cramped while installing it correctly can create an illusion of more space.

In this article, we will discuss the best practices for installing laminate flooring to make any room appear larger. We will explore color and pattern selection as well as different installation techniques that can transform your space into an inviting oasis.


Choosing the Right Direction

The optimal direction for installing laminate flooring to create the illusion of a larger room is dependent upon the layout and natural lighting of the space.

One common approach is to lay the planks parallel to the longest wall in the room, as this can help elongate the space and make it appear more expansive.

This approach works well in rectangular rooms, where there is a clear distinction between one long wall and two shorter walls.

However, in square-shaped rooms or spaces with multiple doors or windows, laying the planks diagonally can be a better option.

By angling the flooring, you create visual interest that draws attention away from any confined or cramped areas.

Additionally, diagonal placement can help mitigate any asymmetrical features by creating a balanced look across all corners of the room.

Ultimately, choosing which direction to install your laminate flooring depends on careful consideration of your unique space and personal style preferences.


Color and Pattern Selection

Selecting colors and patterns that create an illusion of depth can enhance the visual appeal of a space. When it comes to laminate flooring, lighter shades like white, beige, or light grey can make a room appear larger by reflecting more light and creating an airy ambiance. On the other hand, dark colors tend to absorb light and make a space feel smaller. If you prefer darker tones for your laminate flooring, consider using them as accents rather than covering the entire floor.

In addition to color selection, choosing patterns with elongated lines or diagonal shapes can also create an illusion of depth in a room. Here are three tips for selecting patterned laminate flooring:

1. Opt for narrow planks rather than wide ones. Narrow planks will draw the eye down the length of the room and make it appear longer.

2. Choose patterns with long lines or repeating diagonal shapes that lead the eye towards a focal point such as a window or doorway.

3. Avoid busy or bold patterns that can overwhelm a space and make it feel cluttered. Instead, opt for muted designs that complement your decor without overpowering it.


Installation Techniques

To achieve a smooth and seamless installation of laminate flooring, precise measurements must be taken and the subfloor must be properly prepared. Accurate measurement of the room is crucial to ensure that the individual pieces of laminate fit together neatly without any gaps or overlaps.

The subfloor should also be level, clean, and dry before beginning the installation process. Any bumps or imperfections in the subfloor should be removed so that the laminate can lie flat without any unevenness.

In addition to proper measurement and preparation of the subfloor, certain installation techniques can help make a room appear larger with laminate flooring. One technique involves laying planks parallel to the longest wall in the room, as this creates an elongated look that makes the space appear more spacious.

Another technique is using light-colored laminates because they reflect more light and give a brighter appearance to a space. Furthermore, installing diagonally patterned laminates can create visual interest while making a room feel larger due to their diagonal lines that draw attention across the space rather than focusing on its width.

By utilizing these techniques along with careful planning and execution during installation, you can transform your room into an inviting and visually appealing area that feels spacious and welcoming.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can laminate flooring be installed over the existing carpet?

Laminate flooring can be installed over the existing carpet, but it is not recommended. The carpet may compress underfoot and cause the laminate to buckle or warp. It is best to remove the old carpet and prepare the subfloor before installing laminate for optimal results.


How long does it take to install laminate flooring in a typical room?

The installation time of laminate flooring in a typical room depends on the size and complexity of the project. Generally, it takes 1-2 days for a professional installation, while DIY installations may take longer.


Can laminate flooring be installed in a room with high humidity or moisture?

Laminate flooring can be installed in a room with high humidity or moisture, but it is important to choose the right type of laminate that is specifically designed for such conditions. Additionally, proper installation techniques and maintenance are necessary to prevent damage.


Do I need to use underlayment when installing laminate flooring?

Underlayment is a crucial component in laminate flooring installation, providing moisture protection, noise reduction, and an even surface for the planks. It is recommended to use underlayment to ensure the durability and longevity of your flooring investment.


How do I maintain and clean my laminate flooring after installation?

To maintain and clean laminate flooring after installation, regularly sweep or vacuum to remove dirt and dust. Use a damp mop with a mild cleaning solution specifically for laminate floors, avoiding excess water and harsh chemicals.



Laminate flooring is an excellent choice for anyone looking to make a room appear larger. By following the correct installation techniques, selecting appropriate colors and patterns, and choosing the right direction for your flooring, you can transform any space into a more spacious and inviting area.

When it comes to choosing the direction of your laminate flooring, it’s essential to consider the overall layout of your room. Installing your planks parallel to the longest wall will create a sense of length in the space. However, if you have narrow or irregularly shaped rooms, installing them diagonally can help create a more spacious feel.

Color and pattern selection are also crucial when trying to maximize space with laminate flooring. Opting for lighter shades such as white oak or maple not only makes rooms appear brighter but also creates an illusion of more significant space. Avoid darker tones as they tend to make spaces look smaller than they are. Additionally, using wide planks or unique patterns like herringbone can add visual interest without overwhelming small areas.

In conclusion, when considering how laminate flooring should be installed to make a room appear larger: select appropriate color schemes that utilize lighter shades; choose patterns that complement your existing decor while creating visual interest; install planks parallel or diagonal based on the room layout; and avoid dark tones that can shrink spaces instead of enlarging them. With these techniques in mind, you’ll be well on your way toward creating an inviting environment that showcases your home’s best qualities!



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